I am from my home, teeming with life and the smell of spice
NABIL, BS5 | Bristol, United Kingdom

I am from my home, teeming with life and the smell of spice
From the rustle of book pages as my sisters digest the stories within.
From the patter of rain drops on the windows, punctured by rare moments of sunshine.
I am from my family, with its deep roots extending across continents
From my mother, who showed incredible strength in maturing as early as she didFrom my father, who taught me so much about myself
From my grandfather, who struggled and toiled to give his descendants a chance at a better life.
I am from Bristol, a city of diversity and modern ideals
With a bedrock of slavery concealed beneath the surface.
I am from the Muslim community, which seeks to spread peace and positivity
Despite the media's best efforts to portray otherwise.